For those who wanted something on peacekeeping operations,here is a brief on Cambodia !
1. The French converted Cambodia into their protectorate , however , retaining her monarchy. On the verge of defeat in World War II , Japan removed their French collaborators and installed a nominally indepenent Khmer Government under young Norodom Sinhanuk . Although France reestablished contol after World war II , it was only in 1953 that Cambodia gained full independence .
2. Sinhanuk was courted by USA , USSR and China seeking respective influence in the region . Sinhanuk did walk on a neutralist tight rope upto 1968 , but thereafter , the country got involved in one of the worst wars world has ever known with untold and unprecedented miseries to mankind . Consequently , Pol Pot’s dreaded regime was replaced by Heng Samrins’s with Hun Sen as the Prime Minister .
3. Vietnamese troops were pulled out by September 1989 leaving Hun Sen’s regime in a precarious condition . In October 1991 , the warring parties signed the historic Paris Agreement . Sinhanuk returned to Cambodia and was named President .
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC )
4. Background and Political Angle. Paris agreements were culmination of more than a decade of negotiations . UN was closely involved in these . Vide Resolution No 718 of 31 October 1991 , Supreme National Council (SNC ) was recognised as the unique legitimate authority . Sovereignty , independence and unity of Cambodia was enshrined therein under the Chairmanship of Prince Norodom Sihanuk . FUNCINPEK , KPNLF , PDK and SOC were the principal signatories . SNC delegated all powers to UN to ensure implementation of agreements .
5. UNTAC . With its Headquarters at Phnom Penh , the UNTAC had an authorised strength of 22,000 military and civil personnel . Duration was from March 1992 to 24 Septembner 1993 . The Head of Mission was Yasushi Akashi of Japan . LTG John M. Sanderson of Australia was nomonated as the Force Commander . A record of 47 countries participated and the total fatalities were 78 .
6. MANDATE. UNTAC had the following mandate :-
(a) Human Rights .
(b) Free and fair elections .
(c) Military Arrangements.
(d) Civil Administration
(e) Law and Order.
(f) Repatriation / Resettlement of Cambodian Refugees / displaced personnel .
(g) Rehabilitation of Essential Cambodian Infrastructure .
7. The multidimensional mandate was to have been completed within a period of 18 months , ie , within the transitional period prior to establishment of UNTAC . Security Council decided to establish United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia ( UNAMIC ) with it’s Headquarters at Phnom Penh . It lasted from November 1991 upto March 1992 .It comprised of a total of 1504 military and civil personnel . The primary aims of UNAMIC were to assist four Cambodian Parties in maintaining cease fire prior to deployment of UNTAC , initiate mine awareness training and educate Cambodian people in mine detection and mine clearance techniques .In March 1992 , UNAMIC was absorbed by UNTAC.
8. Components. UNTAC had seven distinct components , viz , Human Rights , Electoral , Military , Civil Administration , Civil Police , Repatriation and Rehabilitation . To successfully achieve these , the Security Elements had designed to establish check points with Cambodian Borders with Thailand , Vietnam and Laos in Phase I from 15 march 1992 to 12 June 1992 . This was to follow by Phase 2 from 13 June 1992 upto September 1992 affecting cantonment , disarming and demobilising the armies and factions . Closely then was to follow in Phase 3 thereafter the most important action of conducting free and fair elections . Rehabilitation and reconstruction of Cambodia was a concurrent action.
9 Mission Accomplishments. Right from the very start PDK stopped cooperating so much so that they finally abstained from the elections . This grave situation was , however , dealt with very astutely by the UN leadership and PDK was given ample opportunities to return to negotiating table but to no avail . There were a number of cease fire violations resulting in fatalities to UN Peacekeepers and civil population . This notwithstanding , the election process continued . Cantonment , demobilisation and disarming of PDK was suspended . On the whole 55,000 troops were cantoned but later this phase was suspended totally . All components described above did an excellent job within a short period of 18 months . It was an extremely ambitious goal set .The Electoral Component was able to register 4.7 million voters . 4.2 million voters excercised their free franchise in the presence of international community with an over all 90 % turnout . Another highlight was the successful return of 365,000 refugees / displaced personnel . The total expenditure of UNAMIC and UNTAC was a whopping $ 1524 Million . The Rule of Engagement were practical and feasible . Emphasis was on use of total force for crimes against humanity . To retain flexibility , use of force was delegated at appropriate levels . In so far as applicability of Urquhart Critaria is cocerned , UNTAC fits it in all respects except the fact that the mandate was too ambitious .
Critical appraisal
10. UNTAC was a total success because Paris accords were built upon foundations of post cold war international harmony . Also stage was set for UN for political transition to a new Cambodian Government .Cambodia saw a true prospect of hope and return to normalcy after years of struggle. Also the interim authority of Sihanouk was generally agreed to by the parties . The UNTAC’s leadership always kept in mind their vision to succeed focussing on their aim and need for momemtum uppermost . This notwithstanding PDK’s absence from the election scene was a negative aspect of UNTAC . Also in some cases , UNTAC failed to establish effective control over defence , public security , finance , information and foreign affairs - possibly they had too much to chew in 18 months !
11 . Lessons . Some important lessons that come out are :-
(a) Mandate must be practical , pragmatic and feasible .
(b) Tardy deployment may undermine the aims of mission right from the start
(c) Establishment of a neutral political environment is a must .
(d) Civil and Military senior staff must be designated immediately .
(e) UN and member states must provide best professional / technical staff.
(f) For success of a mission there is a need for maintenance of aim , dynamic leadership , patient diplomacy and momemtum always and every time .
(g) Appropriate levels of external support must always exist .
12 . UNTAC was a high point in second generation and multi dimensional peace keeping . Large size and diverse functions were true reflections of a negotiated peace settlement seeking to deal with the conflict in military , social and political dimensions .The electoral work , information , repatriation and educational programmes were well conducted and well received by the people .UNTAC being ambitious notwithstanding was a RESOUNDING SUCCESS .